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Museums have great responsibility of identifying, collecting, documenting and preserving the artistic heritage of their respective countries in which they are established. They also have the responsibility of educating and entertaining visitors with their exhibits and documents. These responsibility requires that funders of these museum provide funds timely while museum managements adapt creative branding strategies to attract more visitors and make it impact felt nationally, if not globally. The Ghana National Museum is besotted with the problem of funding, proper branding strategy, leadership and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Through unobtrusive observation and rereading of theoretical perspectives in museum management, this article examines the potentials of using Public Private Partnership in solving the problems of the museum. Data collected through the observation has presented through narrative analysis and supported with the theoretical perspectives. The study recommends that government must consider the Public Private Partnership option in solving the problems facing the Ghana National Museum. This will help in building a state-of-the-art museum with restaurant, car park, children’s museum and gift shop. It also recommends the establishment of professorial chairs in Art Departments in the Ghanaian universities to promote museum research in Ghana. The professorial chairs when established must take oversight responsibility of publications of books, journals, exhibition catalogues and magazines in relation to the museum.

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