Graduate unemployment is a major issue affecting the development of Ghana. Every year, thousands of unemployed graduates add up to the already existing batches. This unfortunate incident has not caused parents and guardians to encourage their wards to opt for vocational oriented courses that, in many cases, equip learners with employable skills. ‘Grammar education’ is still preferred to vocational and technical education by many parents, guardians and students despite the abundance of various researches disproving the sheer negativism about technical and vocational education. It could be observed that many of those who opt for vocational and technical education after graduation look up to government for employment. Part of this development stem from the negativism accorded technical and vocational education in Ghana. However, the programme offer graduates the opportunity to be employed or self-employed.
Artwatch Ghana in collaboration the student leaders of four Art associations in the School of creative Arts in the University of Education, Winneba, organized a seminar on “Academic and Career Guidance in Visual and Performing Art” for students in the faculty. Speaking on the topic Academic and Career Guidance in Visual Art, Dr. de-Graft Yankson maintained that in considering Visual Art as course of study, “no student, after any level (whether certificate, diploma, first degree, second degree or PhD) [in art related courses] has a place in Unemployed Graduates Association of Ghana (UGAG).” The association was formed by graduates faced with the problem of unemployment in Ghana. His presentation touched on the various vocations that await visual art graduates.
Other speakers were Professor Victor Yankah and Eric Agyarkoh who touched on Academic and Career Guidance in Performing Art and Becoming an Efficient and Effective Art Teacher in Pre-tertiary Schools in Ghana respectively. The one-day seminar took place at the Amu theatre of the Central Campus, University of Education, Winneba on April 15 2015.
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