Facts Abut the Arts

  1. Com­pre­hen­sive edu­ca­tion in the Arts devel­ops well-​rounded cit­i­zenry includ­ing children.
  2. The arts pro­mote and pre­serve cul­tural development.
  3. Real­iz­ing the full poten­tials of the arts in national devel­op­ment need both pub­lic and pri­vate participation.
  4. The inven­tive and inno­v­a­tive power of a nation depends on its pro­gres­sive devel­op­ment and level of active stud­ies in the arts

Policy and Advocacy

We believe that by pri­or­i­tiz­ing the study of the arts the nation would be able to tap, refine and turn its abun­dance nat­ural resources into ben­e­fi­cial wealth for national devel­op­ment.

In the light of this, we digest crit­i­cal leg­isla­tive issues affect­ing arts and arts edu­ca­tion, and review Arts and cul­ture policies.

Recent Publications

International Artist Day

International Artist Day

Congratulatory Message To All Ghanaian Artists Artwatch Ghana congratulates all Ghanaian Visual and Performing Artists dead and alive who through their ingenious works have contributed...

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